Friday, December 11, 2009

Raw diet

My last post was about feeding dehydrated raw. Well, I took the plunge and went completely raw. I've been buying raw meat and adding veggies, and Howie thinks this is the best thing ever! His first dinner was some ground turkey with carrots, apples, and bananas. This morning he had some Deli Fresh because I was able to get some chubs from a local store for free, and tonight he got steak, some pork neck, peas, and apples. Yum! He's also getting a duck neck each afternoon.

Since he was eating the dehydrated raw, I've definitely noticed a difference in him. A friend even mentioned his coat was much softer. I'm hoping that the raw diet helps his alopecia, and more importantly, his allergies.

We'll keep you updated!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dog Food Saga, con't....AGAIN

I never thought I would be in a position as I have been recently. It's like a find a food that works, then something happens, and we're back at square one with him. I had him on Wellness CORE (fish) for awhile, but since that was about $50 for a 20 pound bag, I started looking for something comparable. I found Taste of the Wild, and Howie was doing well enough on that. Then I read about a recall on the food, so we went off of that.

Back to Natural Balance Fish & Sweet Potato, because it seemed pretty comparable. Then the hives came back. So, I called my vet and we had a long conversation about it. After said conversation, and after a conversation with a friend of mine who is starting her Greyhounds on this new food, we decided that switching Howie to a much simpler food would probably be best.

Enter The Honest Kitchen: Keen. I had been wanting to go to a raw food simply because it's so much simpler and I KNOW what he's eating, but hadn't really found one I liked. I didn't want to go straight raw simply because I don't have the fridge and freezer space for it right now - The Honest Kitchen, however, is dehydrated raw, you scoop it into a bowl, add water, any fruits & veggies & supplements you want, and presto: dinner! Even better, it's affordable. A 4 pound box of the dry stuff makes 17 pounds of wet stuff and cost me ~$25.

Tonight was out first meal on it, and Howie thought it was nom! nom! nom! We have a vet appointment set for Thursday to follow up on his alopecia, and the vet & I are going to go over his food more in-depth then.

I'm not recommending the food yet. Give me about a week (or two) and I'll let you know if we like it or not! But, it looks great, convenient, and fairly customizable. Fingers crossed that this is the end of the line for us, and no more food switching!